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Your place to find out what’s happening in the Catholic Community in San Antonio, Texas and the surrounding area.

Use our interactive events calendar to get info on events scheduled for today, to view upcoming happenings in your Catholic community, to check on activities that slipped by, to add new events to the calendar, to download events to your personal calendar, to set up email reminders to yourself of upcoming events, and to email info on happenings to your family and friends!

The Catholic community of the San Antonio area is active, involved and spiritual. There’s something for everybody. Join in!

Mission Statement

Our purpose is to minister to the Catholic community of the greater San Antonio area by helping to keep our brothers and sisters informed about the happenings in our community, to provide local Catholic charities with another avenue to get their message out, to offer inspirational conversion stories and testimonials from the local Catholic community, to tell heart-warming stories of answered prayers, and generally to provide community ‘glue’ for the greater glory of God.

Our intent is to provide information on events, news, charities, faith-based organizations, personal stories, and entertainment that faithfully abides by or is otherwise in harmony with Holy Scripture, the Traditions of the Roman Catholic Church and the teachings of the Magisterium.

Click HERE for Map of Greater San Antonio Area