Allied Women’s Center 2017-05-26T17:49:22+00:00

Mission & Purpose

Allied Women’s Center is non-profit 501(c)(3) organization focused primarily on the needs of women in pregnancy, but also on all stages of life.

  • If a woman seeking assistance is pregnant, AWC offers the help and support she will need to be able to bring her baby to term.
  • If a woman seeking help is not pregnant, AWC encourages her to practice abstinence, as the true and only safe way to prevent unwanted pregnancy.

AWC encourages age-appropriate behavior that will save these women from future heartache as well as unwanted sexually transmitted diseases. If a woman seeking help is married, AWC offers and teaches natural family planning. In addition to providing free pregnancy tests, AWC provides assistance to families, women and children, including clothing, children’s supplies, and other support on an individual basis.

Get Involved

Allied Women’s Center, and the women and babies they serve, needs your support. The Center is staffed by volunteers who have compassionate hearts and a passion for life. More volunteers are always welcome. AWC also needs supplies of diapers, wipes, baby clothes, cribs, baby car seats, and more. In addition, your cash donations will help to keep the doors open and babies saved.


102 Marshall Street
San Antonio, Texas 78212

Teri Haring, Director of the Center, at (210) 224-7077 website

Please support and pray for the Allied Women’s Center