ACTS Missions 2017-05-24T20:16:30+00:00

Mission & Purpose

ACTS Missions spreads the Gospel of Jesus Christ among Catholic communities by promoting, consulting in, facilitating and sponsoring ACTS retreats. ACTS Missions is a non-profit corporation with a board of directors composed of religious and lay men and women.

What is ACTS? ACTS stands for Adoration, Community, Theology and Service. An ACTS retreat is a three day and three night Catholic lay retreat presented by fellow parishioners. The retreat begins on Thursday evening and ends the following Sunday at a Mass celebrated with the parish community. Retreats for men and retreats for women are given separately. Talks and activities during the retreat focus on Adoration, Community, Theology, and Service, from which the ACTS acronym is derived. Holy Scripture and the teachings of the Roman Catholic Church are the guides for the retreats. The retreat takes on the traditions and atmosphere of the parish community sponsoring it. The retreat facilitates the attainment of a new or deeper relationship with the Lord through Adoration, Community, Theology and Service.

History and Direction

The ACTS movement came to birth from the Cursillo Movement through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, in the Archdiocese of San Antonio. ACTS started in 1987 at Our Lady of Perpetual Help in Selma, Texas, a small suburb of San Antonio. Three men who were formerly involved with Cursillo met in the spring of 1987 at a local restaurant and discussed the possibilities of starting a retreat program that would concentrate more on parish life and community.

ACTS Missions was founded in 1997 to take the ACTS Retreat to new parishes all over the world so that the ACTS Community would be alive in all parishes. ACTS has grown much since 1987, and is now in Alaska, California, Connecticut and Missouri, as well as all over Texas.

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